Porn doesn’t care about you or the people involved in producing it. It cares about making money and keeping you hooked and it is very good at doing both. It wants you to love pleasure while also feeling worse and worse about yourself and your life. It wants you to judge others and find them wanting and to embrace ideals of physical beauty and sexual behavior. It doesn’t want you to look beneath the surface or to think about what it takes to create porn or keep the industry going.
Why Isn't God Hearing Me? (Isaiah 58)
The Difficulty of Being Present to Your Wife and Kids: Reason 1
This side of heaven, work is hard and it is going to have its frustrations. But it’s also supposed to be a place where we’re using our gifts, challenging ourselves, and finding a sense of fulfillment and purpose. If we find that work is doing the opposite and sucking the life out of us so that we can’t have a conversation at home or take any constructive feedback from our spouses, it is a sign that something needs to change.
Lessons Learned Listening to Philadelphia Sports Talk Radio
As I listen to people, I hear stories of not being good enough, not able to live up to parental or spousal expectations, feeling like frauds who have to hide their true selves. We get angry when we’re judged, or we become filled with despair and give up or start avoiding situations where we are faced with possible failure. This is a terrible feeling. There has to be another way.